
We are looking to complete our team.

HUET Safety Diver
  • Nivel de studii: minim 12 clase incheiate cu bacalaureat
  • Limb straine: limba engleza nivel minim
  • Abilitati tehnice: de nivel minim
  • Sporturi in aer liber: nivel recreational
  • Nivel de performanta la inot in bazin: 200 metri inot continuu; apnee dinamica 20 metri; apnee statica un minut;
  • Brevetul de scafandru intr-unul dintre sistemele recreationale de scufundare constituie un avantaj
  • Calificarea intr-un domeniu tehnic constituie un avantaj
  • Experienta intr-un loc de munca constituie un avantaj

Phone: +40 241 69 44 02
Fax: +40 241 73 34 50
Cell: +40 745 014 697

B 1.2 EASA License Engineer

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Perform and certify aircraft maintenance inspections
  • Interpret technical manuals, drawing and blueprints
  • Test repaired aircraft systems and other routine maintenance work
  • Record problems and actions taken
  • Maintain accurate statement of maintenance history of the aircraft
  • Assist in instruction of apprentices
  • May perform other duties as assigned
  • Employees must comply with and adhere to all company policies

Required skills:

  • Valid EASA B 1.2 EASA license. Full Group 3 considered an asset
  • Experience on Diamond aircraft (DA20/DV20, DA40, DA42, DA50) would be desired
  • Minimum 3 years’ experience in aircraft maintenance
  • Efficient use of electronic or paper based manuals
  • In-depth knowledge of aircraft systems and aviation standards
  • Self-motivated and logical problem solving capability
  • Results oriented with a focus on quality
  • Computer skills in MS Office
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Team player with ability to take direction and follow instructions

Phone: +40 241 694 402, int. 123