REGIONAL AIR SCHOOL este prima şcoală privată din România care funcționează conform standardelor internaționale. Deține autorizația RO/ATO-06 şi oferă pregătire bazată pe Regulamentele EASA (Part FCL).
Pe plan național, Școala de la Tuzla este cea mai prestigioasă organizație privată de formare profesională a personalului aeronautic civil navigant aripa fixă (piloti avion), în timp ce, pe plan internațional, a devenit un jucător redutabil între organizațiile de instruire. Datorită performanțelor notabile şi a rezultatelor obtinuțe de către absolvenții noştri în procesul de angajare (RYANAIR, WIZZAIR, TAROM), şcoala atrage din ce în ce mai mulți elevi din Europa, un sfert dintre elevi fiind cetățeni străini.
Din respect pentru eroul Tudor Greceanu, pe 13 mai 2017, la împlinirea a 50 de ani de la primul zbor de pe aeroportul Tuzla şi la 100 de ani de la naşterea eroului aviației – şcoala de zbor a primit numele său.
Regional Air Flight School Licenses:
PPL – Private Pilot Licence
CPL – Commercial Pilot Licence
ATPL – Airline Transport Pilot Licence
The forms are completed and sent to the address: student@regional-air.
PPL syllabus - Private Pilot License
PPL : the first license you obtain as a pilot.
PPL: allows you to hire an aircraft or to fly your own aircraft.
Age: at least 17 years old – at sustaining the final exam (you can start training before then).
The theoretical knowledge syllabus covers the following learning topics: Air Law, Aircraft General Knowledge, Flight Performance and Planning, Human Performance and Limitations, Meteorology, Navigation, Operational Procedures, Principles of Flight and Communication.
The training is done on either the Diamond DA40 or the Diamond DA 20 A1 Katana.
The course suits the beginners and also those who want to continue their training started at another facility authorized by the Romanian Air Civil Authority.
After passing the course, the students have to obtain a good result of the official examinations made by the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority for theory and practice in order to obtain the license.
PPL – Syllabus
The course takes minimum 8-10 weeks.
45 hours of flying:
» 25 hours flying double command
» 10 hours flying simple command
» one raid simple command (air navigation) of 270 km minimum with full stop landings on 2 other aerodromes
» 5 hours of flight training using instrumental methods
4 hours ground training for the plane’s cabin
180 hours theory training in the classroom:
» 32 hours plane general knowledge
» 16 hours aerodynamics
» 20 hours weather
» 36 hours navigation
» 10 operational procedures
» 12 human limits and factors
» 4 hours aero-communications
» 20 hours aero reglementations
» 30 hours theory examinations
ATO - Approved Training Organisation
Starting from 28.01.2009, Regional Air Services is approved to work as a Flight Training Organization by Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority (RCAA) –, becoming, this way, the first private ATO flight school working in accordance with the international standards in Romania.
Regional Air’s school is approved as a flight training organization (RO / ATO – 06).
The training is in accordance with EU Regulation 1178/2011
The approval certificate confirms the existence of Regional Air Services flight school officially and approves teaching the following classes: PPL (A), CPL (A) modular, IR (A) modular, ATPL (A) – distance learning, Class Rating SEP (Land), Class Rating MEP (Land), FI (A), CRI (SPA) and IRI(A).
1. IR (A) – Instrument Rating
» The privileges of a holder of a multi-engine IR (A) are to pilot multi-engine and single-engine airplanes under IFR.
» This course is based on a minimum of 50 hours flight training (some of it done in a flight simulator).
» An applicant for a modular IR (A) course shall be the holder of a PPL (A) or a CPL (A), either license will include the privileges to fly by night, issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1 and shall have completed at least 50 hours cross-country flight time as pilot-in-command.
» The ability to use the English language.
Synthetic Training Device FNPT II D-SIM-42 Twin Star NG
» The perfect simulation of one of the most modern two engine aircraft – DA42 Twin Star.
» The simulator has everything that a real aircraft has in order to reproduce the avionics of a real aircraft, with lots of simulation programs for special situation.
2. CPL(A) modular – Commercial Pilot Licence
» The Commercial Pilots license is a qualification that permits the holder to act as the pilot of an aircraft for remuneration.
» An applicant shall have completed 150 hours flight time as a pilot, sufficient knowledge of mathematics and physics.
» An applicant for a CPL(A) shall be at least 18 years of age and hold a valid Class 1 medical certificate. It is advisable to obtain a Class 1 Medical Certificate before commencing training.
3. ATPL(A) modular – Airline Transport Pilot Licence
» ATPL is short for Airline Transport Pilots licence and is the highest license a pilot can obtain.
» This is the certificate that allows you to be the pilot in command (PIC), or captain if you like, of large transport aircraft.
» Before commencing an ATPL(A) modular course an applicant shall be the holder of a PPL(A) and hold a valid Class 1 medical certificate.
» An applicant for an ATPL(A) shall not have the licence issued until they are at least 21 years of age.
When can I start?
» You can start training anytime!
» Your personal schedule is assigned between you and your instructor, in accordance with your schedule.
4. MEP – Multi-engine piston class rating
» The aim of the Class Rating for Multi-engine Piston course is to train pilots to the level of proficiency to fly multi-engine piston aircraft land in normal, abnormal and emergency procedures.
» An applicant for a class rating for a single-pilot multi-engine shall have completed at least 70 hours as pilot-in-command.
» The theoretical knowledge course comprises of 15 hours of instruction.
» The MEP course comprises 6 hours of flight instruction.
5. SEP – Single-engine piston class rating
» The aim of the Class Rating for Single-engine Piston course is to train pilots to the level of proficiency to fly single-engine piston aircraft land in normal, abnormal and emergency procedures.
» An applicant for a class rating for a single-pilot single-engine shall be at least the holder of a PPL(A).
» The theoretical knowledge course comprises of 10 hours (1 hour: 60 minutes instruction) of instruction.
» The flying training consists of 4 hours and 30 minutes of training.
6. FI(A) – Flight instructor rating
The aim of the FI (A) course is to train license holders to the level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a FI (A) rating:
» refresh and bring up to date the technical knowledge of the student instructor;
» train the student instructors to teach the ground subjects and air exercises;
» ensure that the student instructor’s flying is of a sufficiently high standard;
» teach the student instructor the principles of basic instruction and to apply them to a PPL level.
7. CRI (A) – Class rating instructor rating
The aim of the FI (A) course is to train license holders to the level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a FI (A) rating:
» refresh and bring up to date the technical knowledge of the student instructor;
» train the student instructors to teach the ground subjects and air exercises;
» ensure that the student instructor’s flying is of a sufficiently high standard;
» teach the student instructor the principles of basic instruction and to apply them to a PPL level.
The aim of this course is to train licence holders with at least 500 hours or 300 hours as pilot (in command) of airplanes to the level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a CRI (A) rating for single-pilot multi-engine or single-engine airplanes respectively.
The aim of this course is to train licence holders with at least 500 hours or 300 hours as pilot (in command) of airplanes to the level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a CRI (A) rating for single-pilot multi-engine or single-engine airplanes respectively.
Teaching materials:
» High quality teaching materials – supplied by Regional Air Services for all the students
» Large classrooms with projector and computers connected to the internet
» Intranet services
» On-line information bank
» Video materials
» Aviation library
» Interactive educational programs
NB: Highly recommended to have computer
Teaching standards
All the support needed for studying is of high quality (books or CBT’s)
Having a partnership with Bristol ground school, one can count on a high standards of publication with an , English approach to your training.
PPL – H Fleet
The CABRI G2 is manufactured by Helicopters Guimbal at Aix-les-Milles and is equipped with the last generation technology – being able to fly during day and night VFR. CABRI G2 is the only helicopter in its class certified by EASA CS-27 and FAR-27 – that permits it to be used without restriction for flight training towards the private pilot license and professional pilot license, but also for aerial work or rental.
Due to its construction and aerodynamic qualities this exceptional helicopter holds three world records for its class: for altitude, climbing 10.000 feet and for its time to 20.000 feet.
The CABRI G2 joins the REGIONAL AIR SERVICES fleet at the end of September 2010 and will ensure the training of those interested in flying.
Example of a modular training program
Phase | Stage | Content | Hrs. |
1 | PPL | Ground instruction Flight instruction on DA20 airplane Logbook, manuals and welcome pack included Radiotelephony Basic Course |
180.0 45.0 - 30.0 |
PPL skill test | Skill test on DA20 airplane, part of the Licensing process | 1.5 | |
ATPL theory | ATPL modular (ground training) course designed for PPL owners | 650.0 | |
IR pre-entry | Pre-requisite flight training program (build-up) before admission to the IR/SEP training program – DA20 airplane Type in class (model) training – DA40 airplane Night rating – DA40 airplane |
45.0 3.5 5.0 |
2 | IR SEP | Synthetic training program on FNPT II D-SIM-42 TwinStar NG trainer Flight training program on DA40 airplane |
35.0 15.0 |
IR/SEP skill test | Skill test for rating endorsement on DA40 airplane | 1.5 | |
3 | 100 Build-up | Build-up flight program for 100 hrs CPL PIC requirement – DA20 airplane | 45.0 |
MEP & MEP/IR | MEP (DA42) ground training program VFR flight training (5 of 6 hrs are also counted for CPL complex aircraft requirement on DA42 airplane Synthetic training program on FNPT II D-SIM-42 TwinStar NG trainer IFR flight training program on DA42 airplane |
40.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 |
4 | CPL | Flight training program on DA20 airplane Build-up flight program for 200 hrs total flight time, on DA20 airplane |
10.0 20.0 |
CPL/IR MEP skill tests | Conclusive skill tests for obtaining CPL and IR/MEP ratings on DA42 airplane | 2.5 |
For PPL:
» Copy of Identification card or other form of acceptable identification ie passport
» Copy of high school diploma or other diplomas (if applicable)
» 4 recent color passport photographs
» Copy of the Medical Certificate
For other PPL classes:
» Copy of Identification card or other form of acceptable identification ie passport
» Copy of high school diploma or other diplomas (if applicable)
» 4 recent color passport photographs
» Math & Physics (pre-entry check – only for ATPL)
» Copy of the Flight Crew license
» Copy of the Radiotelephone – Operator General Certificate
» Copy of the Medical Certificate
» Copy of the last three pages of the Pilot Logbook
Flying Academy can assist you in finding housing to fit your taste and budget.
Short-term and long-term accommodations are available.
Our staff can assist you with finding your own place or sharing an apartment with other students to help keep costs to a minimum. Contact us for details.
Când pot să încep?
Aproape oricând.
Mai exact, în fiecare PRIMA zi de luni a fiecărei luni calendaristice (cu excepția lunii ianuarie, când se începe în a doua zi de luni).
Și la împlinirea condițiilor obligatorii:
– Licență medicală PART MED Clasa a 2-a, minimum 16 ani înainte de primul zbor în simplă comandă, test de abilități – pentru PPL
– Licență medicală PART MED Clasa a 1, diplomă de bacalaureat, testare de competență în utilizarea limbii engleze, test de abilități – pentru celelelte tipuri de licențe
Formular de înscriere (click aici)
Formularele se completează și se trimit pe adresa: student@regional-air.
Află ce facilități au cursanții RAS pentru cazare, masă și transport.
Aeroport Tuzla, Tuzla 907295,
Constanţa, România
Romania, Eastern Europe – EASA country and member of the European Union
For students from another EU country, no visa is needed.
Students from the USA must contact the embassy for a visa
and Regional Air School – for invitation letter.
Tuzla: + (40) 375 390 390
Bucureşti: + (40) 742 055 091